Everyone should feel welcome and celebrated in the tabletop gaming community, and this Pride Month, we are excited to highlight our ongoing commitment to these values. A key part of our efforts is our partnership with Tabletop Gaymers, a fantastic organization dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ gamers.

Who are Tabletop Gaymers?

Tabletop Gaymers is a nonprofit organization that addresses homophobia in the gaming community by providing educational, social, and networking opportunities to LGBTQ+ “Gaymers” and Allies. Their mission is to promote diversity and inclusion in tabletop gaming spaces, ensuring that everyone feels safe and respected while enjoying their favorite games. Through events, outreach programs, and advocacy, Tabletop Gaymers has created a welcoming environment where gamers can connect, learn, and grow together.

Our Partnership with Tabletop Gaymers

Our collaboration with Tabletop Gaymers is a testament to our shared commitment to inclusivity. By supporting their initiatives, we aim to help create a more inclusive gaming community. As part of our partnership, a portion of the proceeds from every Pride-themed product purchase will be donated to Tabletop Gaymers. This means that every time you buy one of our Pride Silicone Dice sets or Pride Dice Trays, you’re directly contributing to a more inclusive and supportive gaming environment for everyone.

Neal’s Interview with Gayming Magazine

To further highlight our dedication to inclusivity, our owner Neal recently did an interview with Gayming Magazine. In the interview, Neal discusses our Rolling with Pride collection and our efforts to support LGBTQ+ gamers. He shares insights into the inspiration behind our Pride-themed products and how we strive to make the gaming community more welcoming for everyone.

We are incredibly proud of Neal’s interview and grateful for the opportunity to share our story with a broader audience. You can read that interview here.

Pride Dice and Trays

Check out our Gaymer’s Pride line of Silicone Dice and Leather Trays here!