FanRoll’s Unique Resin Inclusion Dice: A World of Figurines Inside

Dice are the heartbeat of tabletop gaming, adding that element of unpredictability and excitement to every roll. But what if your dice could offer more than just random numbers? What if they could tell a story, evoke a feeling, or make you smile with surprise? Enter FanRoll’s unique resin inclusion dice, where every roll unveils a tiny world of imagination.

Inclusion dice are a fusion of craftsmanship and creativity, blending high-quality resin or glass with tiny, carefully crafted figurines embedded inside. In this blog, we’ll take you on a journey through some of FanRoll’s most captivating inclusion dice themes, from nature-inspired wonders to charming animal companions and even whimsical oddities.

Nature’s Embrace:

Picture yourself in an enchanted forest, where the air is thick with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the sound of rustling leaves. Now, imagine holding that magic in your hand. FanRoll’s nature-themed inclusion dice allow you to do just that.

  • Baby’s Breath Inclusion Dice: These delicate dice capture the essence of a garden in full bloom. Inside, you’ll find miniature baby’s breath flowers frozen in time, evoking a sense of purity and tranquility. They’re perfect for druids, nature clerics, or anyone who finds solace in the beauty of the natural world.
  • Pinecone Inclusion Dice: Venture deeper into the woods with pinecone inclusion dice. Each die contains a tiny, meticulously detailed pinecone, a symbol of resilience and growth. Whether you’re a ranger, an adventurer of the wilds, or simply a nature enthusiast, these dice will keep you grounded.
  • Rose Inclusion Dice: Roses are more than just a token of affection; they symbolize passion, strength, and beauty. FanRoll’s rose inclusion dice encapsulate these qualities perfectly. Gaze upon the preserved roses within, and let them inspire your character’s journey, be it one of romance or determination.

Animal Companions: 

In the world of tabletop role-playing, our characters often form bonds with creatures great and small. FanRoll’s animal inclusion dice let you bring your cherished companions to the gaming table.

  • Koala Inclusion Dice: The koala is a beloved symbol of comfort and protection. These inclusion dice feature adorable miniature koalas nestled within, providing a sense of warmth and camaraderie. Roll them for good fortune and the spirit of adventure.
  • Cat Inclusion Dice: Cats are known for their curiosity and playfulness, making them perfect companions for any tabletop quest. FanRoll’s cat inclusion dice capture the feline spirit in exquisite detail, inviting a touch of whimsy and mystery to your rolls.
  • Elephant Inclusion Dice: Elephants are revered for their wisdom and strength. When you hold FanRoll’s elephant inclusion dice, you carry the essence of these majestic creatures with you. They’re a reminder that, no matter the challenges you face, you have the power to overcome.

Whimsy and Wonder: 

Inclusion dice aren’t limited to the realms of nature and animals; they can also be downright playful. FanRoll’s whimsical inclusion dice add a touch of fun to your gaming experience.

  • Spaghettio Inclusion Dice: Imagine rolling a die and discovering a tiny Spaghettio pasta ring inside. It’s a delightful surprise that can turn any gaming session into a lighthearted adventure. Perfect for those who appreciate the unexpected.
  • Froot Loop Inclusion Dice: FanRoll’s Froot Loop inclusion dice capture the vibrant colors and cheerful spirit of this beloved cereal. With each roll, you’ll reveal a colorful loop, adding a splash of nostalgia and whimsy to your game.

Inclusion dice offer a world of possibilities, allowing you to customize your gaming experience and add a personal touch to your characters. Whether you’re drawn to the beauty of nature, the companionship of animals, or the sheer joy of the unexpected, FanRoll’s inclusion dice have something special for everyone. Explore these miniature worlds, and let your imagination run wild with every roll.

Custom Dice:

Remember, FanRoll doesn’t just create exceptional dice for gamers; we can craft custom dice and accessories for your brand, whether you’re a podcast, a game developer, a convention, or a retailer. Inclusion dice are a fantastic product to add a unique twist to your offerings, creating memorable experiences for your audience. Contact us today to explore the endless possibilities of custom dice and accessories!