Sharp Edge Silicone Rubber Dice Set: Asexual Pride


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FanRoll is proud to announce the Gaymers Pride line of products! Our Gaymers Pride line features 9 flags of the LGBTQIA+ community represented in the form of Sharp-Edge Silicone Dice and Dice Rolling Trays!  Trangender, Lesbian, Gay Men, Bisexual, Pansexual, Intersex, Non-Binary, Asexuals, and the Pride Inclusion Flag all have their colors included in these dice, Not only can you roll the colors of your community, but a portion of all proceeds will be donated to the non-profit charity Tabletop Gamers who have made it their mission to make the gaming community a more welcoming place for all.
Tired of acrylic dice but find metal dice too heavy?  Perhaps try the opposite of hard heavy dice and go with light squishy dice!  FanRoll is always working with new materials, and we find silicone to be one of the funnest yet!  These high-grade silicone dice are molded with a sharp-edge, giving you a precise roll. The high-grade silicone have a unique squishy feel to them that will have you playing with them at the table, yet are strong and sturdy and won’t fall apart on you. Not only do these provide the precision of sharp-edge, making your odds as equal as possible, we added a bit of chaos to the roll as well by making them out of silicone!  Truly randomize that roll with that extra bounce!
Do you play a Rogue and need silent dice to add effect to your sneak attack damage?  Are you rolling your dice nice to your computer mic and unleashing sonic damage to those listening? Perhaps you just need to roll up a new character in bed at three in the morning, but you don’t want to wake you significant other?  Then we have the answer for you!  Silence your roll!  Our silicone dice brings down the decibels of your click clacks to a much more easeful thud thump.  Combined with our dice rolling trays your bounce becomes more controlled and makes that silent roll even stealthier!

Each full-sized, 16mm set comes with 7 dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d10% (00-90), d12, and d20). With these dice you’ll be able to play in various TableTop Role Playing Games such as Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu and countless others. Your story is ready to tell at a roll from your fingertips.

Be sure to check out our padded dice trays as well!

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 3 × 2 × 1 in
Dice Color


Dice Number Color


Dice Material


Dice Size

Regular Size

Foil Dice




Glow In The Dark


Mixed Colors




Unicorn Dice


Pearl Dice


Baby's Breath


MDG Exclusive


Dice Edge

Sharp Edged Dice

Full Set Or Pieces

Full Set

Dice Color

Dice Material

Mixed Colors

Dice Number Color

Full Set Or Pieces

Dice Size

Dice Edge

Foil Dice


Glow In The Dark


Unicorn Dice

Baby's Breath

Pearl Dice

MDG Exclusive


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