In the realm of tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs), dice are more than mere tools for determining outcomes; they are treasures, imbued with stories, luck, and a bit of the player’s soul. As with any valued possession, premium dice – from wooden dice to gemstone dice and the mesmerizing liquid core dice – require proper care to maintain their beauty and integrity. Herein lies our guide to preserving your precious dice for generations of gaming to come.

Wooden Dice:

Wooden dice bring a touch of nature to your gaming table, but being organic, they are susceptible to environmental factors. To care for these wooden wonders:

  • Avoid Extreme Conditions: Keep wooden dice away from extreme heat, cold, or humidity, which can cause warping or cracking.
  • Oil Them Occasionally: A light coat of natural oil (like linseed or mineral oil) can keep the wood from drying out and splintering, enhancing its natural grain.
  • Store Properly: Use a soft pouch or a wooden box for storage to protect them from scratches and dents.

Gemstone Dice: 

Gemstone dice, carved from the earth’s bounty, are a marvel to behold but can be fragile. To ensure their longevity:

  • Roll on Soft Surfaces: Hard surfaces can chip or damage gemstone dice. Opt for a dice tray lined with felt or leather.
  • Clean Gently: Dust them with a soft, dry cloth. For deeper cleaning, use mild soap and water, but dry them immediately and thoroughly.
  • Individual Storage: Wrap each die in a soft cloth or store them in a padded case to prevent scratches or chips.

Liquid Core Dice: 

Liquid core dice, with their swirling colors and dynamic effects, require special attention to keep the magic alive:

  • Temperature is Key: Avoid exposing liquid core dice to extreme temperatures, as the liquid inside can expand or contract, risking cracks.
  • Handle with Care: While mesmerizing, these dice can be delicate. Gentle rolling and storage in a padded compartment are advisable.
  • Cleaning: Wipe the surface with a damp cloth to keep them sparkling. Avoid submerging them in water to prevent seepage into the core.

General Tips for All Dice Collections

  • Rolling and Storage: Regardless of material, all dice benefit from being rolled on softer surfaces and stored away from direct sunlight.
  • Regular Inspections: Periodically check your dice for any signs of wear or damage, addressing issues promptly to prevent further deterioration.

Caring for your premium dice collections not only preserves their functionality but ensures they continue to bring joy and luck to your gaming adventures. Whether they’re crafted from wood, gemstone, or contain liquid cores, each die is a small work of art, deserving of your attention and care. Treat them well, and they will serve you faithfully, campaign after campaign.